An Honest Truth

Loneliness is a normal but unpleasant emotion that sometimes evokes a person to need direly someone around.

It happens when we feel stressed unusually and  the mind
gets full of wretch thoughts.

Loneliness can be categorized in two ways

First, when someone is extra introverted. 
The second is when due to some
 reasons you lose your circle of boon companions. It is observed
 that at some age a person starts thinking about being
 alone even with other people around. 
Loneliness is a phenomenon that naturally entraps anyone. 
It is not that unserious, according to research, loneliness 
has been found in people having strong relationships,
 a good career, healthy lifestyle etcetera.
But the best part is when you overcome the fear of staying alone,
 there is the point where you enjoy your own company and 
realization comes into the picture that no other company is best(except family). 
Practically God has made people for people, just the right
 person at the right time is an awaited thing which then proves to be the turning point for someone lonely.
More practically if we think even if you are an atheist,
 God is with you unnoticeably 
every second-every breath.
Look, just think about that time when it happened with 
you too(it’s pretty natural to occur) that short time
 loneliness becomes the motivating push for you
 to entail yourself into something worthwhile. 
It’s a sure thing the people having pets find their best friend in them.
In the short-term phase, loneliness gives you the 
best time of your life to prove yourself at some unexpected
 levels to realize the true worth and reason of existence if thought positively about it.
The long-term phase will affect you mentally as well 
as physically, depression traps the mind and heart.
The best practice is to be consistent towards growth everyday.
(Penned by Tushar)

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