
 So , let me introduce you with Mr.frenemy , he exists in every one’s arduous  journey of life …… And it’s a fact !! Believe me ….!!!

      ..Consider it to be your bestest partner or your enemy, his behaviour is variable like ‘x’ in mathematics ….,
Ever so often , he just pushes you up to be the best of you , and can bring out the worst phase in the journey of life. 

At times , one feels like the most cheerful self, The next instant this frenemy can fade away the brightest of all smiles.
Rare individuals are there …..can challenge their frenemy and holds the victory …
This frenemy stays with you forever , stayed with you too and will stay with you incessantly….
Yes , Mr.frenemy is bad , but not always
..,…………. Is the best , but not ALWAYS ….
The finest or the worst quality… depending upon one’s thinking…is that he never stops ,never ever.. no matter what’s happening around …..

           (( May be the above context seems to be confusing to you while reading , 
               just think of that , it was just a brief delineation about  ‘TIME’ , 
                yes it’s the time which is frenemy in everyone’s life…,.. , 
                Now if you again read the above …. You may relate with the feel expressed…..…))


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