
You might consider it as a mathematical tool , yeah it is too. We never had thought 
of the component of our life it holds in real,
 in a hassle just forgot about what to notice and what to implement, isn’t it ?
getting to that area of mind you once had an imagination of reaching either sooner or later !
I’m sure you have the calculations about your potential to work upon the things to be done and achieved.
As I’ve told about what actually “the written form” is .
take some time and write about the time you are having to do anything,
there are instances in life which offers you the choices to oppose 
the natural flow and create up your own.

                                                  What do you think?

“easy is going-simple 
crazy is going insane “
Our “think” is something called a great gift by God, considered as 
a parameter to evince someone’s quality of character.
Actually here the topic ‘Integration’ basically indicates to exploring the extended 
version of an individual which have never been evolved yet.


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